Can You Sell a House With Tenants?

A rental property can be a lucrative long-term investment and an opportunity to collect passive income. However, managing a property investment takes time and energy, and you might be unable to keep up with your responsibilities as a landlord. When the time comes to move on, you can sell your home even if it is currently occupied by tenants. This commonly occurs when people decide to move, retire, or liquidate their property investment.  Selling a home with tenants is possible, but it can be a little more complicated and will change your pool of potential buyers. Learn more about the process of selling a house when you currently have a lease or rental agreement in place. Can You Sell a House with Tenants? Yes, you can sell a rental property with tenants and you don’t have to wait for their lease agreements to end. There are two ways to go … Continued

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Can You Sell a House With Tenants?

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