How to Win Business on a Sales Call

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Whether this is your first sales call or two thousandth, there is always a sense of urgency in meeting a client where they are at when preparing for the call. Sometimes, it can cause butterflies to appear in your stomach as you prepare. “What if they ask a question that I do not know the answer to?” “What if they bring up a good point about purchasing from our competitor?” Like anything done right, preparing for sales calls takes diligence, strategy, a hard work ethic, and, the mother of them all, time.

Preparing for the Call

To prepare for a sales call, you want to make sure you understand the following items in a comprehensive, up-to-date manner (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Your product or service,
  • What gap in the market your product or service fills,
  • How you are marketing that product or service (i.e., are there any promotions you are running to draw in clients?)
  • Who your competitors are and what they sell,
  • How your competitors are marketing and pricing themselves,
  • How your customers receive a better value using your company over competitors,
  • What the average cost is for customers in your industry who are looking to purchase your type of product or service; and
  • Your strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities.

Executing the Call

Here are four steps to executing a flawless and profitable sales call with a potential client.

1) Let them know you care.

When entering a sales call, it’s important to make it personable yet professional. The way to go about this is to share with your caller what you would like to cover on the call. Make the first thing you wish to cover a dedicated time to get to know your potential client’s (1) issues needing solutions and (2) goals and hopes for the future. Here are some questions to get you started:

  • How did you hear about our company?
  • What made you want to speak with me today?
  • What issue do you have that we could potentially solve?
  • What are your hopes for the future in this area of need?

Having a connection with the client will enable you to have a much smoother conversation, one that is relaxed and relieved of pressure for both parties.

2) Drive home your company’s message.

At the end of the day, the phone call’s main goal is to close on a sale, while simultaneously meeting a demand of a client. So, you need to make sure you study before going into the call. What is your value proposition? Make sure your words are clear, concise, and hit home how this person could greatly benefit from purchasing your company’s products and/or services.

3) Give them an idea of what is in store for them moving forward.

What will day-to-day operations look like for them, now that they have your product or service? What will their new workflow look like? How will it make things wildly easier and more efficient for them? Tell this story with descriptive and enticing words that impact their five senses. Make this not just a company selling a product or service; make this a sensory experience that will deeply impact them in all areas of life.

4) Bring the call to a nice close.

Start off by thanking them for their time and interest, as their time is exceedingly valuable. Remember, they did not have to give you the time of day, but they wanted to because they saw something potentially useful for them in your company. Tell them you will follow up with an email, reciting what you discussed on the call and any action points you both agreed upon for each of you to take.

Following Through

Lastly, if you do not follow-up in some way after the call, you will most likely lose the customer. Being timely, courteous, and thorough is vital. Send a follow up email right after the call and then another one a week later. If it is appropriate, give them a phone call at that time, as well. This will help you to win the client over, showing them you are serious about their business, trustworthy, and organized enough to hand you their business.

How to Win Business on a Sales Call


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In the real estate environment it is important for professionals to stay up to date with everything from decor trends to who is leading in the industry. Social media can be a great tool to help professionals stay current with everything they need to know and make connections with other real estate professionals along the way.

Here are three great social media websites that you need to make a profile on today to advance yourself in the industry.

1. ActiveRain.

ActiveRain is one of the largest and most active social networks for professionals in the real estate industry. The network is home to nearly 300,000 members, and includes just about every type of real estate professional that there is.

The biggest aspect of ActiveRain is the enormous amount of knowledge you can gain by surfing through their website. With over 4 million blog posts on just about everything there is in real estate, members share their best practices as well learn from others.

One of the features that helps ActiveRain stand out from its competitors is the ActiveRain University (ARU). ARU hosts free webinars as well courses on how to grow and expand your real estate business. Courses range from, lead generation all the way to the best blogging practices for the real estate professional. Apart from webinars, there are also podcasts that you can listen to so you can learn while you are on the go.

ActiveRain is a great community to help you get started in the real estate industry and can further your expertise as a real estate professional.

2. Houzz.

A one-stop shop for home remodeling and design, Houzz offers the ability to find just about everything you could imagine during your remodeling or redesign process. Houzz removes the hassle of starting a new project by putting everything in one platform, where it is easy to save and categorize your ideas.

Upon entering the website, you can search for design ideas, products themselves, or even advice and stories to help further you along in your creative process. It doesn’t stop there though, Houzz offers the unique feature of being able to find local professionals in your area, to help with just about every stage of your remodeling journey.

It’s almost guaranteed that you will be on this site for hours, exploring all of the design concepts and stories that their community has to offer.

3. BiggerPockets.

BiggerPockets is more closely aimed at the real estate investing niche. The site offers many features that can help any type of real estate investor, from the new investor looking to make some side income to the seasoned veteran just looking to refine their skills.

The largest aspect of the site is their social network. With over 600,000 members, you are able to engage with other professionals no matter what section of the site you go on. You can connect with “colleagues” and build relationships with other investors and even meet members local to your area.

The site doesn’t stop there. The community section lets you interact with other users by posting on forums about different topics and also reading success stories from other users. If you cannot find what you are looking for on the forums, BiggerPockets offers an education section to help you get started or fill in the gaps along the way. The marketplace section shows real time listings in your area as well as finding real estate positions that are open.

One of the features that helps BiggerPockets stand out from the other social networks is the tools section. The tools section offers property analysis calculators and other resources to help professionals make more informed decisions during their investing.

BiggerPockets can help you take your investing to the next level.